

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Snakes and people

Snakes and people are not the same size and some snakes eat rat and mice. People do not eat mice or rats if they do they will get very sick. Snakes do not have a lot of bones like people they only have a back bone and people have 2000 bones inside there body. Some snakes like to swim and they like to climb trees.


  1. Very interesting facts about snakes Jordan! Did you know that babies (humans) are born with over 300 bones but when you get older you only have 206? Weird huh?

  2. Well hello Jordan!
    I have to say I never knew that snakes had a back bone! I didn't think they had any bones.
    It just goes to show you... you learn something new every day!
    I'll be looking for more information on snakes, so be sure to keep everyone posted with more information!!
    Good Job, keep up the good work!

  3. I WANT A NEW POST ABOUT SNAKES! I'm waiting!!!
